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How to use household heating equipment safely? Common sense

public time:2022-11-18

In winter, heating equipment such as electric heaters and electric blankets will come in handy. How to buy high -quality and good performance heating electrical appliances? What are the common sense of safety in use?
"Heating electrical appliances mainly include indoor heater, electric blankets, air -conditioning and other categories." Xu Dongsheng, vice chairman of the China Household Electric Association, introduced that these types of products are in the scope of compulsory certification directory. Chinese consumers should recognize CCC when buying. (China Mandatory Product Certification) Said, exporting European products requires CE certification and selects products on normal channels. In addition, you can also buy heating electrical appliances that are suitable for your needs based on specific functions such as power, adjustment mode.
Xu Dongsheng said that in addition to electric blankets, the general power of household heating equipment is generally greater, and it is easy to cause fire hazards if used for too long time. Nipping in the bud, users should pay attention to the following points when using household heating equipment:
Before use, pay attention to the maximum current marking in the heating product manual, and compare it with the current marking of its own meter. It is suitable to use the current of household heating equipment that is less than the value of your electricity meter and avoid tripping. At the same time, the power cord, socket, and plugs must also be checked for qualified products, and the power cord plug must also check whether it is firm.
During use, if the flavor of smoke appears, cut off the power in time. Especially when using an electric heaters, avoid covering knit fabrics or flammable materials on the heating body, so as not to cause high temperature to cause fire. In addition, to avoid being used for a long time, people should close the equipment when they go out. When choosing,please try to choose an electric heater with heat protection function, which is more convenient and at ease.
After use, regular safety inspections of high -power home appliances should be performed to replace the aging lines in time. At the same time, avoid using electrical appliances with high power at the same time, the electrical appliances exceeding the shelf life should be replaced as soon as possible.
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